Fabian Garcia

- Entrepreneur/commentator

Fabian Garcia is an entrepreneur and the founder of Break Away USA, co-founder of The Growth Talks,  and hosts “The Daily Elevated Show with Fabian.” 

He is a passionate advocate for critical thinking and common sense, and wants to make ‘America Smart Again’ by helping people realize the importance of independent thought.


Born in Los Angeles to Cuban and Salvadorian parents, Fabian developed a keen fondness for the consumption of knowledge at a very early age. 

Upon graduating high school a year early, he started on his goal to become a lawyer for the United Nations. This led him begin his work in politics.

Being around politicians gave him his first glimpse into the behind the scenes of how power & influence shape the thoughts of the populace. Being an voracious reader of all types of writers, he naturally gravitated to political speech writing & identifying how to use words to most connect with the hearts and souls of people.

After college, Fabian began work in real estate & finance.

After reading “The Giver” by  Lois Lowry, Fabian developed an insatiable appetite to experience the world first hand.  One day, and without premeditation, he quit his mortgage finance job and bought a ticket to Thailand. The three week trip turned into a six month stay. 

This was the beginnings of  the next chapter of his life as a backpacking world wanderer.

Living around the world from Laos to India to Colombia, Fabian discovered similarities in humans across all political, racial, and cultural divides. These discoveries furthered his first hand insight into the fundamental pillars of human traits and their driving forces. 

However, it was a life-changing experience that happened in Nicaragua that set him on his current path of helping people.  
After breaking his leg twice in succession, Fabian attempted to climb a volcano on an island in Nicaragua one week after regaining the ability to walk. He became separated from his group. 

This resulted in being lost for 3 days & nights without food or water, with a concussion from a slip and barely able to walk.

Upon accepting the fact that he will most certainly die, Fabian decided to listen to his gut instinct and use the last drops of strength to divert his course. 

On his new route, he ran into the search & rescue team and was brought back to the camp. 

Once returning home to Los Angeles, he became immersed in writing a book about traveling. 

On completion of the book, he decided to get it published but had no idea how, and knew no one in the publishing industry. 

This led him to Hollywood. 

This is where the next phase of his life began. 

Because of his immersive education into fundamental human underpinnings,  he was able to break through the secretive Hollywood “it” crowd and develop interpersonal relationships with the right people.

He quickly excelled through the ranks of the Hollywood elite crowd and attracted the right kinds of people.

Amassing a network of clients including millionaires, celebrities, models, and dignitaries, Fabian was given the title of VIP host of the year by numerous publications and was awarded the VIP host of the year award.

During this time, one of Fabians clients and friends, who was a top marketer in the US, began mentoring Fabian in marketing. 

After combining these marketing & entrepreneurship teachings with his own knowledge of humanity, Fabian began immersing himself into different markets.

Upon building successful businesses for himself, he decided to help other people and took on a number of clients. 

Fabian enjoys challenging  himself with big goals

In June of 2020, Fabian accomplished an incredible feat when he bicycled across America in just 30 days. This experience was challenging for him both mentally and physically, but his determination and strength carried him through. The struggle he went through during this journey reflects his resilience and unwavering spirit.

In 2020, he joined BankX as CMO. BankX is a stablecoin aimed at being the antithesis to CBDC’s

In 2023 Fabian founded Break Away USA, a media company that is focused on informing and educating about the fight for Americas future against the degradation of culture. 

Fabian co-founded The Growth Talks which is Los Angeles’ fastest growing business networking event held monthly in Beverly Hills Ca. He speaks every month to 200 entrepreneurs on how to elevate their business and mindset. 

Fabian is a rising voice and outspoken speaker on cultural issues that matter to everyday Americans. 

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